Anthon Encao

I have been working with Amazon as an IT manager for just over a year now and loving it! I retired from the Air Force in 2013 and have held one other job since getting out. I spent nearly fourteen years in the Air Force setting up and maintaining networks from small to global in size, Just over four years of that time was spent as an instructor teaching the Computer, Network, Switching, and Cryptographic Systems course where I earned the title of Master Instructor. I previously held a Top Secret / SCI security clearance, last used Feb 2020 My education includes two associate degrees, one BS in Technical Management, and a MS in Information Technology Management.

AVAYA crashed, not coming back up with Anthon Encao

Anthon Encao… now IT manager at Amazon. Has years of high-level government security clearance. The last network he managed couldn’t even touch the public Internet.

His raw truths and advice start with, “It’s not easier it’s harder”

“Good IT costs more money and takes more time period.”

But if you want to make more money (as a company) And make more money faster

Then guess what?

You need to invest in IT

Oh yeah, and we cover a great story of his AVAYA PBX crashing

And never waking up… nope… took its final breath

What the heck would you do?

Hundreds of users are down with no reboot

No way to turn it back on

3 Key Takeaways

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60. AVAYA crashed, not coming back up with Anthon Encao
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