On this show:

From 85 users & 3 locations — to — 362 users & 10 locations, with an IT staff of 4 wicked awesome IT mavens.  That’s 80 users / 1 IT resource

  • 250 tickets a day
  • How to eliminate Ticket Bottleneck Bogs
  • Phone calls on top of tickets
  • IT coaching end-user culture
  • Flagging reds and preventative dongles
  • Walking the floor for “shirt-tugs”
  • Ask don’t tell
  • Don’t talk down to people like the software developers
  • Phishing won’t stop (don’t let your guard down)
  • IT Mentors – good – bad – horrible
  • The old skills
  • Communicating with confidence to C-levels
  • and much much more….

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