Andy Knauf

With a remarkable 34-year tenure at his company, Andy Knauf serves as the Chief Information Officer (CIO) at Mead & Hunt. He has extensive experience in modernizing infrastructure and transforming technology organizations.

Andy’s journey began with building his own computer and has since led him to become a respected leader in the IT industry.

A Journey Through Time: Andy Knauf's 34 Years of IT Leadership

In this captivating episode of “Dissecting Popular IT Nerds,” host Phillip Howard interviews Andy Knauf, a CIO with an impressive 34-year tenure at Mead & Hunt. Andy takes us on a journey through the evolution of technology, sharing insights from his early days of building computers to his current role. He emphasizes the importance of long-term commitment and the power of company ownership, offering valuable lessons for IT executives and aspiring leaders.

I think it’s a balance. There’s something about being around other people that you can’t do at home.

3 Key Takeaways

Listen To The Full Episode Below

Dissecting Popular IT Nerds
Dissecting Popular IT Nerds
279-A Journey Through Time: Andy Knauf's 34 Years of IT Leadership

Episode Show Notes

Guest introduction and overview [00:00:17]

Tech evolution and personal stories [00:01:24]

Guest background and early career [00:05:00]

Building an effective IT team [00:14:56]

The impact and challenges of AI [00:16:56]

Leadership and the importance of communication [00:26:19]

Hiring strategies and promoting from within [00:30:23]

Biggest IT projects and challenges faced [00:32:08]

Remote work and the value of in-person interaction [00:40:08]

Career paths and the power of long-term commitment [00:42:37]

Company ownership and a sense of belonging [00:47:42]

Wrap-up and key episode takeaways [00:48:24]


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