Brandon Patton

With over 16 years of experience in the IT industry, Brandon Patton currently serves as the IT Director at Engineering Innovation. Starting in customer support, he organically climbed the ranks within the company, demonstrating his technical skills and leadership capabilities.

Brandon is passionate about maintaining robust IT infrastructure and fostering transparent relationships between IT teams and management.

Brandon Patton Shares 16 Years of Wisdom in IT Management

How do you develop successful relationships between IT and management? In this episode, Brandon Patton, with over 16 years in the industry and currently the IT Director at Engineering Innovation, shares his journey from customer support to IT leadership. Learn about the challenges and strategies in maintaining efficient IT infrastructure, managing customer expectations, and the balance between security and usability.

Documentation, documentation, documentation – it’s essential for compliance and troubleshooting.

3 Key Takeaways

Listen To The Full Episode Below

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Dissecting Popular IT Nerds
288- Brandon Patton Shares 16 Years of Wisdom in IT Management

Episode Show Notes

Introduction to Brandon Patton [00:00:01]

Correcting experience length and current role summary [00:00:26]

Brandon’s early experiences with technology [00:02:05]

Transition from analog to digital world [00:03:18]

Building relationships with management and C-levels [00:05:26]

Dealing with team members and tech recommendations [00:09:01]

Balancing business goals with IT requirements [00:16:11]

Compliance with customer and federal requirements [00:21:50]

Managing remote devices and customer networks [00:22:39]

Memorable support stories [00:33:08]

Handling major IT threats and vulnerabilities [00:35:39]

Keeping communication lines open with employees [00:40:19]


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