Ari Harrison

Currently serving as Director of IT at BAMCO, Ari Harrison leads the company’s technological strategies and remote work solutions.

With a robust background in both IT services and solution integration, Ari brings decades of experience to his role in enhancing operational efficiencies and tackling complex IT challenges.

Ari Harrison on Microsoft Licensing Chaos and Streamlining IT Operations

What should you consider when tackling the complexity of Microsoft licensing? In this episode of Dissecting Popular IT Nerds, Ari Harrison, Director of IT at BAMCO, dives deep into the latest changes in Microsoft’s licensing model and its implications. We also explore his experiences with remote work solutions, managing international teams, and the essential role of automation in modern IT management.

Always advocate for your business; resources are there if you seek them.

3 Key Takeaways

Listen To The Full Episode Below

Dissecting Popular IT Nerds
Dissecting Popular IT Nerds
293- Ari Harrison on Microsoft Licensing Chaos and Streamlining IT Operations

Episode Show Notes

Introduction of Ari Harrison [00:00:01]

Microsoft uncoupling Teams from its packages [00:00:32]

Challenges with Microsoft licensing [00:01:39]

Antitrust suits and their implications [00:02:29]

Role of Teams during COVID-19 pandemic [00:04:59]

Annoying tech changes and their user impacts [00:06:51]

The IT team structure at BAMCO [00:09:10]

Importance of processes in IT [00:11:49]

Strategizing business needs and solutions [00:16:04]

Working with Microsoft and securing funding [00:18:38]

Automation tools and their benefits [00:23:52]

Early career and experiences with technology [00:35:01]


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