Pete Self

A former Air Force air traffic controller turned IT security expert, Pete Self brings a unique perspective to his role as VP of Information Technology Security at Nordam Group. With experience across eight companies over 25 years, Pete has developed a robust “toolbox” of skills. He emphasizes the importance of understanding business needs and balancing time, talent, and treasure in IT leadership. 

IT Leadership must understand the entire business, not just technology

What makes a truly effective IT leader in today’s complex business landscape? Pete Self, VP of Information Technology Security at Nordam Group, shares his insights on the critical balance of time, talent, and treasure in IT management. Learn why seeking to understand the business is crucial, how to build a diverse “toolbox” of skills, and why picking the right organization is key to career success. Pete offers a fresh perspective on common IT leadership challenges and opportunities.

Read ‘The CIO Paradox’ to understand IT leadership challenges.

3 Key Takeaways

Listen To The Full Episode Below

IT Leadership must understand the entire business, not just technology with Pete Self.
Dissecting Popular IT Nerds
310- IT Leadership must understand the entire business, not just technology with Pete Self.

Episode Show Notes

00:34 – Criteria for a good conference 

01:41 – Importance of bringing home valuable insights

 03:55 – Pete’s approach to evaluating IT solutions 

06:05 – The concept of “Pete’s package” for IT solutions 

10:29 – Discussion of the Pentium chip flaw 

14:13 – Challenges of managing IT and understanding business needs 

17:16 – The importance of seeking to understand in IT leadership 

23:45 – Where IT leadership should report in an organization 

31:36 – How organizational structure affects IT success 

35:26 – Building a diverse toolbox of skills in IT 

40:18 – Balancing time, talent, and treasure in IT management


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