Michael Horn

What matters most are Client, Product and Team in that order. Sales and revenue will come as long as you are maintaining those first three as your top priority.

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1/3 of Americans DO NOT take their vacation days… look at us now! I did this show with Michael Horn pre-apocalypse. We talked about mandatory Vacations and how they prevent Collusion So I have a few questions,

Has working from home revealed any holes in your network?

Or has it revealed people that have been robbing the company?

Anyone been cooking the books?

This is a perfect time to find people that have been robbing the company… as horrible as that sounds, it’s true. But it’s also a time to cross-train employees… It’s a time to enable and identify new leaders….

Who is stepping up right now?

Who is doing nothing?

Michael Horn (IT Director at First Mile), and I discussed all of this… ironically weeks ago.

  • Are you just another number?
  • I run a meritocracy
  • Unlimited PTO versus 9-5
  • Get the job done well versus show up as a body…
  • And who is Tom Brady?
  • Yada Yada Yada

3 Key Takeaways

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