Larry Miller

As the principal of Business Performance Consultants, Mr. Miller provides management consulting and executive coaching for public and private organizations wishing to strategically plan their enterprises, improve performance or effect change. During Mr. Miller’s 35-year business career, he has served in Senior Executive positions providing corporate leadership, group and division strategic planning, executive coaching, turnaround, oversight, and mergers and acquisitions. Miller has had P&L responsibility as Chairman, CEO, and President for the majority of his career, and brings this business world reality to the consulting environment.

Millennial American IT

Larry Miller – IT Consultant for larger mid-market enterprise and…Small Business and…Residential clients (my hero)…working nights and weekends, breaking all the molds we say matter for work/life balance has a soul at the same time and more than the mere appearance of a life. We’ve taken this episode to a deeper level spanning more of the globe…and more of the human condition while layering in technology.


Some snippets:

  • Americans hate Mediocrity
  • Millennial Stereotypes Dissected
  • The Work Hard Generation
  • Post Birth of the Internet
  • Every kid gets an award
  • The school of failure
  • Too Many Chiefs and not enough Indians
  • Focus on the negative
  • Servant Leadership
  • America in Saudi Arabia
  • How do we think about ourselves and push past the bubble
  • Alien attack of the earth
  • Sitting on the same side of the table
  • Women in Technology
  • 80% of the class doesn’t know what Word and Excel is
  • Why doesn’t IT have mentors
  • Inner peace in IT
  • Establishing IT as a practice.
  • Full fledged internships


3 Key Takeaways

Listen To The Full Episode Below

Dissecting Popular IT Nerds
Dissecting Popular IT Nerds
51. Millennial American IT Stereotypes and Burgers in Saudi Arabia
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