Results are the only thing I Trust, so be willing to Prove It Along with Good Character and Integrity.

One of the reasons I quit corporate america is not that I didn’t love the executive world.  Not that I...


One of the reasons I quit corporate america is not that I didn’t love the executive world. 

Not that I didn’t love the numbers game…

Not that I didn’t thrive on competition.

I quit because I wasn’t free…

Free to work with who I wanted…

Offer the solutions I wanted…

And #1…

Live my values.

When you’re not free to act according to your values, then your character is compromised.

For example, I personally believe very strongly that it is incumbent upon a sales professional to reveal any defects in a product to a potential buyer, and not just “sell around them”.

In the telecom world this can become very cloudy (no pun intended).

While the product itself may do XYZ, a company’s operations department can have significant implementation flaws.

It might take days to get an order entered…

Days to get a response on a simple change…

People “go dark”

OR… maybe the company is growing so fast it’s breaking apart on all levels.

As a sales professional, we are told,

This is the nature of technology. Now go get a deal and quit being such a little #$%^&!”

That was of course, ignored on all levels…

Laughed at…


And known to be the root of all sales evils.

As one matures in their career, they quickly see that it isn’t just about the hustle (although many people have made it far just hustling), it’s about knowledge.

It’s about who you choose to surround yourself with.

I hated being stuck selling one product.

I hated being tied down

Some people don’t care,

“Just show me the money and I’ll do whatever you want.”

Those are the “C players” as we referred to them in middle management.

Beyond the money….

The more we focus on knowledge, the more value we can bring people.

For me it has always been about the customer. 

All my interactions are with the customer.

I wasn’t sitting in an office looking at spreadsheets, (I best guessed my forecast).

“Phil, what are you forecasting this month?”

Me: “Quota”.

“That’s what you always say, can you give us something accurate?”

Me: “110% to quota.”

Moving on,

I was at a turning point… should I stay or should I go?

Break the golden handcuffs?

Yes, I had built special teams that I loved with amazing people.

But it was always temporary.

With all the fear and uncertainty, a family (7 kids at the time), bills, and questions…like, would people support me?

I believed that my knowledge was at a level where I could truly help others and take a calculated risk.

I knew that the value I brought vastly outweighed 99% of the reps pounding the streets or sitting on phones, linked-in, social media, etc.

Besides, I had built multiple markets, been through mergers and acquisitions, seen great operations departments and bad ones, encountered leaders, failures, and HR nightmares….

If I hadn’t left when I did, I don’t think I ever would have.

But here’s the thing.

Once you’re out, it becomes even more abundantly clear what the business world’s intentions are…

Obviously to make money first.

To put the company first.

And now my job was to choose multiple different telecom companies (Vendors, Carriers, and Providers) for other companies.

I already knew the truth;

These vendors change.

They morph.

They are great one day, have problems the next day, and sell their soul on the third day in hopes of a lifestyle that isn’t filled with 16hr. days.

So the beauty in all of this is that I can see it very clearly.

There is no internal Kool-Aid to drink.

You actually know who is the best versus the claimants.

And now you can truly help someone… if you believe in that kind of thing.

And you can choose who you want to do business with.

Don’t take everyone willing to give you money.

For others it’s about the lifestyle.

Telecom, Internet, Cloud, Security, Mobile devices… all that stuff is very problematic for numerous reasons,

BUT THE NUMBER ONE REASON is… Temptation to make a lot of money selling boot-strapped services made to look amazing. 

Don’t drink the Kool-Aid.

There is nothing wrong with a company making money, but they need to deserve it.

I love great companies… all of them.

And to you pretenders, I applaud your self flagellation…

Unwillingness to quit…

Determination to not be lame anymore…

Fake it till you make it and tell everyone you are awesome…

Focusing on the one thing you can do,

BUT ultimately under-delivering on quality.

I get it, I do.

Everyone has their rocky beginnings.

Great stories of trials and tribulations.

Excuses (every great athlete needs them).

I would just prefer not to be a part of your problems and I would prefer to save my customers from any of your potential growing pains as well.

I truly love fixing problems with technology.

We live in an amazing age with great potential for both greatness and darkness.

It all pays, so money is really not the issue.

My genuine advice…

Work hard and Care.

Seek knowledge.

Then quit,

because there is a shortage of people that care in a world where everyone pretends to care.

For me, actions are the only revealing factor.

People talk all day everyday, but until they prove it through action and knowledge

I’m more than a little bit skeptical.

Results are the only thing I trust, so you better be willing to prove it with good character and integrity.

Phil Howard

With over two decades of business technology leadership, Phil Howard created Dissecting Popular IT Nerds to bridge the gap between business and technical communication. Recognized as a visionary technology leader, he has consistently increased business revenue through his unique skills. Phil's energy, wit, and technical knowledge make him a natural in tech journalism and motivating others. Married with 8 kids, he volunteers for non-profits, supports youth groups, and enjoys surfing, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, and boating.

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